The good and the not so good:alberta’s week


Mixed week this week – bouncing between great ‘yays’ and sadness.  The beginning was creative and finally I managed to begin again on The Ancestors Tale after months of absence from the story.  A great relief and hope for the year. Then half way through the week my sister’s retired guide dog collapsed.

 Before Christmas we had been concerned that she was beginning kidney problems but at that time the levels of toxins building up were about average for an old dog. Her anorexia was a concern as the weight was falling off her, but her diet was changed and some dried liver added and she began to eat again, regain a little weight and then after Christmas her weight crashed again and it was seen the levels were creeping upwards.  They were surprised she was so well looking and not being sick.

 But then the night she collapsed she had been vomiting and was in one of her anorexic stages, we called the vet out who settled her and told us to take her to the surgery next day warning us it was now weeks not months.  My sister and I discussed it – the problem is my sister apart from not being able to see cannot hear well enough to follow all the vets say.  I explained as well as I could and told her what the vets were suggesting.  It is hard for her, these guide dogs are much, much, more than pets to their partners.  We have been there before, all owners of pets have to go through it but it is never easy.  The dog had to be put down the following day; to bring her home instead would have been an act for us not her.  To watch her becoming increasingly ill and disabled over days or a couple of weeks, in increasing distress as the poison inside built up  was not an option. So the end of the week we have done a dormouse act and stayed within our nest.

 The snow has helped our hibernation, as our tiny side street in the village becomes ice bound within a twinkle of an eye and we cannot venture far on our elderly pins:( As I cannot breathe in cold temperatures and it has remained relentlessly below freezing for a week now, fresh air is becoming a distant memory. I hate the snow, it makes me angry, it serves no useful purpose at all as far as I can see, but then I always have hated it. As a dyspraxic child – ‘clumsy is one’s middle name – I have always been able to trip over thin air so what snow and ice does for me has always been a hazard.  As a clumsy child and a slow learner to boot I was always a prime candidate for snowballs down the neck kind of ‘jokes’.  Nah, do not like snow.

 So ‘life’ is at it again at the beginning of the year, but ‘life’ in a natural form, I suppose.  Death is always with us after all.  Weather also. Many others have had worse weeks so this is not truly a complaint. Just a realization that good and not so good do always walk hand in hand.

 Okay how is my check in? ROW80


 I managed very respectable word counts the first half of the week, not just with the aid of the dragon either, I managed to use the keyboard for a good half so wrists behaving well:)

 The Ancestors Tale – 11,400

 And at long last 90,000 words in the story has its Chapter One – not just thought of but drafted, written yay, hay:)


None – shame on me, but have three pencilled in and researched so next week should be good for them,


 Yes on this front. When the dog died creativity fled for a while so this latter end I have finished (I hope) researching – War Crimes, Military Coups and Religion.

 Religion:  I was concentrating mainly on the Book of Job, although I have also been reading various Christian blogs to try to get the flavour of current debate and language.  Job was my focus as one of my ‘ancestors’ has to go through a difficult time in my trashed world and struggles to maintain (a newly found) faith through the disaster.  Although not the same as Job’s journey, and certainly without intervention by the devil, Job seemed to be a good place to start.  I confess I haven’t read the account since childhood and I don’t have enough fingers to count how many years ago that was! I read a modern version and turned before I was half way through to the King James Version, the rich words of my childhood.  Can the use of language be a comfort food?


Going well, Flash Fiction and Creating Tension.  The one on Memoirs begins in a couple of weeks in the meantime I have signed up for a Memoir one down here in the real world which runs over 6 weeks. 2 hours a week, so am thinking it would be good for me to travel to my writing:) (in my spare time of course:)

 Red Carpet

All those who requested Jan/Feb have confirmed. I will be sending dates out to those who have requested the future. Looking at triberr and the Red Carpets I have done since I joined the tribes- I am pleased to see the book spots and interviews have been sent out by 14/16 fellow tribe members – now I know not all their followers will see or even be interested – the twitter stream is fast and constant but the posts have been offered to thousands more eyes than I can offer from my blog.  So fingers crossed my guests have benefited.


 Have managed – just – to keep up with networks – maybe I was late getting to comment Wed, Thurs, and Fri but have caught up.

 Have managed at least three hours every day when I just sit with feet up, relaxing with a book , I’m using this time, at the moment, to read e-books and Indies, or occasionally  watch TV.

 Next Week:

 Is another writing week. I’m not planning specifics just, as I promised myself, going with health’s flow but it will be WIP and blog orientated.

 I hope everyone’s week has been good and all the best for this coming week.

20 thoughts on “The good and the not so good:alberta’s week

  1. Cate Russell-Cole says:

    Hi Alberta, it looks like Kait has hit some trouble and we have no mid-week check-in. So no one is left out, please come over to our Facebook group and leave a link to your check-in post and we will be over to visit. The page address is Alternatively, email me at and I’ll pass your post on. I know Facebook isn’t everyone’s cup of tea!

    Should we have no Linky on Sunday, we’ll just keep working this way until things sort themselves out.

    Cate (Round 1 Sponsor)

    • alberta says:

      am on facebook – am abandoning my numbers and trawling through sundays list to find folk who have posted also going to the ones on facebook – hope Kait is okay

      • Cate Russell-Cole says:

        Yeah, I’m concerned. This is not like her. I was at her blog and she hasn’t posted for 2 days. I left her a comment saying, we’ve got your back, we need to find a way of providing more support for you. The behind the scenes work for ROW80 is massive. Alberta, you’re an angel. Thanks for the help! I’m not the kind of person who can just sit back and wait, I prefer to do something. :-)

      • Cate Russell-Cole says:

        Kait is fine, the Linky went up just as I finished trawling through 70 plus posts. I am going to tell myself that I harnassed the power of Murphy’s Law and made the Linky appear! ;-)

  2. denizb33 says:

    So sorry to hear about your sister’s dog :-(
    I love the idea of words being a comfort food. They definitely help me!
    I love the snow because it’s winter here for so long that the snow at least makes everything pretty. But I know what you mean – I slip and slide and trip on the ice all the time and get so frustrated that I can’t just go outside and walk normally!

    • alberta says:

      I am sure they are – while I love the way language morphs over time (well apart from a couple of exceptions!:) when i need soothing with bad cold or exrtreame fatigue it is to the books of my youth I turn – def. comfort food – and this food doesn’t make one fat or rot your teeth :)

  3. I am so sorry for the loss of your sister’s dog. They are such faithful companions and letting them go is always so difficult and painful. Well done on getting so many words written, I know that working after losing a loved one (even a four-legged one) is never easy.

    • alberta says:

      Sometimes of course occupying one’s mind can lessen the loss – we are neither of us very outwardly emotional – very British and elderly:) we are of course desperatly sad and miss her. It’s the one distressing thing of sharing one’s life with those with a shorter life span than ourselves. My sister is doing okay now and thanks you all for your sympathy

  4. S. J. Maylee says:

    So sorry about your sister’s dog. that is very sad, losing a pet is hard business. Considering everything, you had a fantastic week, Alberta. I like how you adapted to the things around you and made it work. Inspiring.

  5. Pat says:

    Sorry about the dog – I know how much guide dogs mean to their owners and this one will have been a member of the family, not just a pet.
    But you seem to fitted a lot into your week. Mine seems quite vague and pointless by comparison.
    You have inspired me to go away and get on with it!!!!

    • alberta says:

      glad I’ve inspired:) I think it’s really diffivult to motivate at this time of year – well for me anyway – ’tis the cold and grey that tries to bring down:) all the best:)

  6. Emily says:

    So sorry to hear about your sister’s dog. I have lost my fair share of pets throughout my life so I know exactly what it’s like. You can take comfort in the fact that he’s much better off now, though.

    Awesome work on the goals, though! That is an awesome word count for the week!

    • alberta says:

      Yup that is always the consideration – what value of life if left – ahe had been a splendid guide for my sister for many years – thanks – word count was good for me as it has been so long since I have been able to write was scared it had gone.

  7. morganmandel says:

    So sorry about your sister’s dog. It’s tough enough to lose a dog who has become like a member of the famly, but it has to be especially difficult for your sister. Take care,
    Morgan Mandel

    • alberta says:

      Thanks – she’s coming good now but although we are used to it it still hit her hard. I think being snow bound has helped as she can’t work the new dog and has plenty of time to distract herself.

  8. That sounds like quite an emotional week. Good thinking to turn to doing research and make the most of your time.
    Hope next week is slightly easier on you.

  9. Kate C. says:

    That is a lot of words!! So sorry about your sister’s dog. It’s hard to lose such a devoted friend, I’m sure.

    Good luck with your upcoming writing week!

    • alberta says:

      Yeah the beginning of the week was good for words – like breaking the damn thats been there for so long may settle to less but as long as it lasts I will be happy:)

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