Cindy C Bennett at the Blogger Book Fair

Red carpet at night.Instead of a Red Carpet Day – this week I am participating in The Blogger Book Fair.    I do recommend you all have a wander through the hundreds of authors and books represented this time around. There are giveaways, discounts, and other events you can’t find anywhere else. Well worth a wander around, who knows you may discover new exciting authors to feed your craving for the written word:)  For this week all my e-books are being offered free at the fair.

July BBF button copy So today I am welcoming Cindy C Bennett to the carpet.

Author Photo 2012 small

Cindy C Bennett was born and raised in beautiful Salt Lake City, growing up in the shadows of the majestic Rocky Mountains. She and her husband raised two daughters, two sons, and a plethora of pets without wandering far from the fold. They’ve now added two beautiful daughters-in-law to their family. She developed a love of writing in high-school English when a teacher introduced her to the joys of escaping reality for ten minutes each day in writing. When she’s not writing, reading or answering emails (notice there is no mention of cleaning, cooking or anything vaguely domestic) she can often times be found riding her Harley through the beautiful canyons near her home. Learn more at

Again I have only met up with Cindy  the last few days and have been impressed with her enthusiasm and good nature. This is a lady with a serious ability to fill every hour, it is worth wandering over to her blog site. Before you peruse her offerings at the fair I asked Cindy if she could tell us ten things that we might not know about her. The rest of the page is Cindy’s:)

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me

Cindy C Bennett

1.      I can sing pretty much the entire Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band movie. Poorly, and out of tune, but I can sing the whole thing. And I love the movie, no matter how cheesy.

2.      I talk to my dogs as if they’re people. Then again, I also talk to myself so maybe that’s not so strange. I don’t expect the dogs—or myself—to answer, so it’s not entirely insane.

3.      I’m fairly cheap when it comes to buying clothes. I always shop the discount or clearance racks, and rarely pay full price for any of my clothing.

4.      I’m so terrified of spiders that I refuse to even pick up a dead one and throw it in the trash. A tiny little spider can chase me from a room and keep me out until someone kills it for me.

5.      I’m left handed when I write and eat. But I use my right hand for everything else: batting, throwing a ball, bowling, golfing, etc. Still, I consider myself a “leftie”.

6.      I’m not OCD in most things except when it comes to numbers. I have to find the pattern in numbers that I use for anything: phone number, address, TV station, bank account, etc.

7.      I love scary movies. It’s hard to find a movie that can scare me anymore, so when I do it’s almost better than chocolate. Books, too. Love scary books that make me sleep with the light on.

8.      I have a seriously warped sense of humor. Things that others find disgusting or maybe skirting the edges of good taste amuse me. However, I hate videos that show people getting hurt. I don’t find those amusing in the least.

9.      One of my favorite things to watch on TV is How Do They Do It? and How It’s Made. Other than the horrible music, I find it fascinating to watch how everyday items and food are manufactured.

10.I love useless, random trivia. I always look up random things on the internet just because a strange thought occurs to me and I might wonder, for example, what the smallest bird is, or what color car is most popular, or how many people have butlers.

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2 thoughts on “Cindy C Bennett at the Blogger Book Fair

  1. Cindy Bennett says:

    Thanks, Alberta, for letting me pop by!

    • alberta says:

      I enjoyed it – thanks also for your help. I havepicked up a few books from the fair to try out yours and jarrell hayes included – will let you know how I like – be warned tho’ TBR pile is very high!:)

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